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Quarantine Cricket with Adam London - part 2 Fast Bowling strength and conditioning

Rich Zotov5 Apr 2020 - 11:50
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This is the first strength and conditioning edition - emerge fit and strong from isolation!

It is all about form and control, not about speed!
- Nick Hampshire - Fitness Coach

Hello everyone,

In this first strength and conditioning (S&C) session of the series we concentrate on strengthening activities for pace bowlers. You may not have enough space for the that 30 yard run up and a full action, but these drills will help you to be stronger and more resilient in the future.

I have asked my housemate, Nick Hampshire, to help out. He is a fitness coach, building his business. His Instagram or Facebook page is - nickhampshirefitness and he will be featuring regularly whilst we are all shut in at home.

Here are four exercises designed specifically to help fast bowlers (though they will not do an opening batter any harm either!).

  1. Reverse Lunge - Feet shoulder width apart, stepping with one leg back touching the floor, whilst stretching your arm up. Pause for a second and then push up into starting position with pace. 3 sets of 8 on each side
  2. One Leg Toe Tap - Standing shoulder width apart. Right leg goes back and off the floor and your right hand touches your left foot whilst bending left knee, pause for a second at the bottom, and again push up to starting position with pace. 3 sets of 8 on each side
  3. Up and Down Plank - Plank position - push body weight up so both palms of your hands are in contact with the floor keeping your back straight. Lower onto both fore arms to complete 1 of 12. 3 sets of 12
  4. Walk Outs - Starting in a plank position and walk out with your hands to as far as you can go and pause for a second and then gradually work your hands back towards your feet to create a "V" shape. 3 sets of 12

Take care to watch the video - it is all about form and control, not about speed!

Any questions, please message Nick on Instagram or Facebook - nickhampshirefitness or alternatively

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